voeg je netgedicht toe


netgedicht (nr. 73.443):

Hadjar Ul Aswad

Na de verbouwing van de Kaäba
Toen de zwarte steen werd teruggezet
Ontstond er een handgemeen in Mecca
Tactvol beslecht door Mohammed

Elk stamhoofd wilde het grote voorrecht
Om het te mogen plaatsen op het altaar
In de kubus wat ontaarde in een gevecht
Dus sussend spreidde de wijze leraar

Zijn mantel voorbeeldig uit in het zand
Vroeg hen deze eensgezind te dragen
Legde het relict erop met zijn hand
En liet de twistzieken elkaar schragen

... Ka'bah, the most holy shrine of Arabia, was (and is) a solid cubic structure. In a comer of it is the most revered object, the Hajara'l-Aswad (al-Hajar al-Aswad -- the Black Stone). This is the stone which, it is said, the Angel Gabriel brought to Abraham from Paradise. Ravages of time and the elements necessitated extensive repairs to the cubic masonry. The Black Stone was removed, the structure was renovated, and then a furious argument began about the replacement of the sacred stone. The honour was coveted by all. Who was to do it? They turned to Muhammad for judgement. He spread His cloak on the ground and told them to put the stone on it. Then He invited them all to take hold of the cloak, lift it up and carry the stone to the spot where it was to be placed. Thus they were all participants in the act and were equally honoured. An ugly clash was averted by His wisdom and tact, and the respect which people already had for Him was heightened.

(H.M. Balyuzi, Muhammad and the Course of Islam, p. 17) ...

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Schrijver: Henk Jonker, 10 februari 2021

Geplaatst in de categorie: religie

5.0 met 1 stemmen aantal keer bekeken 96

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